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Semantics - Theory of Meaning

Hello! Today, I would like to share you one of my ultimate PowerPoint masterpieces! *lol it's about Theory of Meaning in Semantics. Hope you like it as much as I do :D


How do common people describe "blue"? Many of them will explain it as the color of deep ocean and bright sky that bring the joy and calmness. But do you know that this color can be expressed as sad feelings? Why tho? That's we called semantics. Behind the word "blue" it has another meaning. Geoffrey Leech defined semantics as a study of meaning, one of linguistics branch. Semantics deal with such as word, phrases, and sentence structure and it also refer to how people can understand the meaning. Geoffrey Leech in his book “Semantic: A study of meaning” (1974) divided meaning into seven types. 1.       Conceptual meaning Conceptual meaning is also called logical or cognitive meaning. It is basic meaning which linked to the primary dictionary definition. The conceptual meaning is the base for all the other types of meaning. Ex: woman = human, female, adult. 2.       Connotative meaning Connotative meaning  refers to a meaning that is implied by a


Hi everyone! How’s life? I’m back again. As usual, I’d like to share some stuff here and today it’s gonna talk about one of the material which relate to syntax as a study of sentence structure. It’s subject-verb agreement. Subject-Verb agreement is necessary to make sure that a sentence is grammatically correct. In a sentence, the verb must agree in number with the subject. If the subject is singular, the verb must be singular. If the subject is plural, the verb must be plural. Here’s the rule of subject-verb agreement. Compound Subjects Compound subjects (two subjects in the same sentence) usually take a plural verb, unless the combination is treated as singular in popular usage or the two subjects refer to the same thing or person. ·          Sugar and flour are needed for the recipe. ·          Pepperoni and cheese are great on a pizza. ·          My friend and his mother are in town. Singular Indefinite Pronouns Here are some examples of subject verb a

Argumentative Essay Writing : Early Education

Why do Parents Should Enroll Their Children to Preschool? Early age is often referred to as serious development or it can be said as the golden age. When children are on their golden age, of course as parents should give everything the best for them, especially in education. For parents, early education is very essential. Through early education, parents can find out the talents also interests and can monitor the development aspects of their child. In addition, not a few parents trust educational institutions such as child care or preschool to educate and develop the potential of their children. Then, why do parents should enroll their children to preschool? The reason are children will be trained to develop their social-emotional, cognitive, language skills, behavior and readiness for future schooling. Firstly, in preschool, children will be trained in social-emotional development. It ranging from the ability to understand the feelings of others, maintain friendships with peop

Argumentative Essay Writing : Bullying

How to Stop Bullying in Schools? The act of bullying in schools is not a taboo anymore for many years, this is actually one of the big homework that must be completed by the school as a place to get education and character development for children. Bullying which is detrimental to many people should getting more attention from the school to do prevention and termination before bad things happen that are not desirable. As it’s known, bullying has many negative effects, especially for young people. It can decrease their self-esteem that will affect their mentality and lose confidence in the future. For the worst case, they will not think twice about doing self-injury or even suicide. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with stopping bullying in schools, there are educate the bullies, giving punishments for the bullies, and protecting the victim. The first is educate the bullies. The reason behind the frequent occurrence of bullying, one of them is the lack of awareness of the bully on