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Showing posts from June, 2019


Hi everyone! How’s life? I’m back again. As usual, I’d like to share some stuff here and today it’s gonna talk about one of the material which relate to syntax as a study of sentence structure. It’s subject-verb agreement. Subject-Verb agreement is necessary to make sure that a sentence is grammatically correct. In a sentence, the verb must agree in number with the subject. If the subject is singular, the verb must be singular. If the subject is plural, the verb must be plural. Here’s the rule of subject-verb agreement. Compound Subjects Compound subjects (two subjects in the same sentence) usually take a plural verb, unless the combination is treated as singular in popular usage or the two subjects refer to the same thing or person. ·          Sugar and flour are needed for the recipe. ·          Pepperoni and cheese are great on a pizza. ·          My friend and his mother are in town. Singular Indefinite Pronouns Here are some examples of subject verb a